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Cerpen Bahasa Inggris Hidden Love - A Short Story- full of love, sad, and romance

Sad ending short story

If you are looking for a great short story you are in the right place. Azure and Halu with their story will entertain you. I realized that this story has many weakness especially in grammatical structure so please leave your comment to improve my writing skills. Untuk kalian yang mencari tugas cerpen ber-bahasa Inggris yang menarik dan seru dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti kalian berada di tempat yang tepat. Cerpen Bahasa Inggris ini dilengkapi dengan translate/terjemahan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia.  bit spoilers for u guys sedikit bocoran kisah ini adalah kisah tidak biasa kisah ini memiliki sad ending. Tidak semua kisah harus happy ending kan dan itulah yang terjadi.

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Hidden Love

Twelve years ago there was a little boy and a little girl lived in a beautiful village. The two little children felt very happy as a friends. The name of the little boy was  Halu and the little girl was Azure. They would spent their time to play in the prairie near their village.

One day in one sunset, Halu came to meet Azure in their favorite field but at this time it was not for playing, Halu came to say good bye. Before Azure asked, Halu went without any explanation of why he must left. Azure confused with what Halu just had done. She trapped in thought what was wrong with her best friend. As a kid she was afraid to lose a best friend of course. She couldn’t imagine that she would be going to play without her best friend anymore as she had no any other friends at all but the explanation from her mother made her  felt better which said Halu was leave because of a big problem in his family not because he hated Azure. Even though she knew that it was impossible for Halu to stay in that village anymore, but Azure still hope that Halu was never leave. She missed Halu day by day and waiting for him to come back.

Years passed, Azure grew up as a beautiful and kind girl. She was twenty one years old but she was never having a boyfriend at all. She was a close minded, at least that was the boys reasons of why they wouldn’t even tried to get closer to Azure.

In one fine day, Azure was asked by her mother to go to the market in Slitzerland, a town near her village. Azure was looking for mango as her favorite fruits after bought some stuff which her mom asked her to buy. That day, in Slitzerland market, there were only one fruit seller who sell manggo. Azure found the fruit seller store but there was not many mango left. It seemed to be her bad day the last mango on that store was taken by a tall man right in front of her. Azure heard the man said to the mango seller that the mango was for his girlfriend. Although it was the last mango in the shelf Azure still tried to ask for possibility if their store still had another mango but it was really the last mango they had.

She felt sad of course, with a slow step, she passed a small path in the market that brought her to meet the man who took the last mango. The man gave the mango to Azure and asked “do you still remember me?” Azure didn’t say anything until she looked at the face in front of her, with soft voice, she asked “Halu?” Azure kept her eye on Halu's face. This was their first meeting since they were in a long distance twelve years ago. She tried to say “how are you?” but the words was totally hard to spell. At the time, she felt strange in her heart, her body suddenly felt warm but she didn’t sick. “Azure? Are you ok” a soft voice heard from Halu which made Azure little shock and wake her up. “Yes, oh ehm I am ok”. That was a good starting for them after being separated for twelve years.

Halu started to get back to his nanny place his place where he used to stay when he was a kid. They started to meet and spent time together again. Day by day they became closer. The day was a beautiful day to spend time in the middle of grass field, their favorite place back in the past. Under a big tree, Halu told many things to Azure, they really looked enjoy their time together. Suddenly, when they were laughing of silly things just like the old them, their eyes met each other, but both of them moved their eyes quickly. Their meeting eyes made Azure finally saw the eye that her missed and it was succeed to made Azure felt something that she never felt before. It was like there were butterflies flying in her stomach, the feeling was too fun but itchy at the same time she had no idea what was that. She tried hard to be positive even if her heart wondered “am I falling in love with Halu?”

The day after yesterday and the next day until a week  and now a month since they were met. Azure’s feeling grew stronger and stronger. In one night she was lying under a thousand stars she looked at the stars but the only shiny star for her was Halu. She made sure that she was really falling in love with Halu. That night, for the first time she called Halu by phone to meet her in their favorite place. She told Halu she had something important to talk about. Surprisingly,  Halu said the same thing he said he got something important to talk with Azure too. So that was their talk they made appointment and got ready for the next day.

Actually, a day before their meetings, Azure prepared a bracelet, she made it when she was a kid. She actually made it with Halu but it wasn't finish yet when Halu left. So, she finished it by herself and will show Halu the results as a gift for him.

Finally, it was the day where they decided to meet. She went to the field and waited for Halu to come. The field looked so beautiful with its green grass as far as eye looked and it was been more beautiful with small yellow flower everywhere. Gusts of wind made the landscape looked more wonderful. She walked in the middle of the field when suddenly she dropped her bracelet by shock. In front of the sunset, she looked Halu hugged another girl. She felt like her heart were going to exploded with what she just saw. She was so broken inside. But she remain silent.

Halu approached her with happy face and the girl walked next to him. Azure still being quite when she felt her tears fall in her cheek. She felt so stupid for loving Halu when Halu had a girlfriend. She then remember something about what Halu said in the fruit store. He was saying that mango was for her girlfriend. Azure felt so fool why didn't she realized it before. Halu looked at her and found out that Azure was crying he wondered what happened to Azure, but before he asked, Azure ran to leae them without saying anything.

Without thinking of anything she ran to her home and said to her mother that she would marry the man who was chosen by her mother. Azure’s mother wonder and asked Azure “are you sure?”. “Yes, I am mom” Azure answered quickly without no doubt. All the things in her mind was she must tried to forget the love of her life. There is no point of loving Halu when he had another girl. So the next day in the early morning, they left their village to her grandmother home to prepare her wedding. And that was what really happen. She got married to another man.

Four years later Azure back to her village and visited the field, her favorite place with Halu. She gazed into the orange sunset. Suddenly, someone form behind said “it is still beautiful, right?” after a long time since she was married, for the first time she felt her heart beating again hearing the voice next to her.

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The yellow sun made around the field seemed orange, both of them was blown by a soft wind. That voice was came from Halu. Halu said “it is the most beautiful that I had ever seen”.

“The sunset?” Azure was asking.

“No it is you” Halu continuing by told what happened in their last meeting. The girl that Halu hugged  was her sister, who really wanted to meet Azure. But that was too late. Azure didn't give Halu chance to explain things to her. Now that she already marry. 

“You have married and it is really hurt for me, it is totally hard to face the world with fact it is impossible to have you as mine”.

“What! Why didn’t you tell me then. Halu Why?” Azure screamed she felt so hurt to hear what had destiny and her fool mind did to her.

“I have tried to tell you with coming to your home almost every single day with hoped there was a magic which will brought me to meet you and I had found the bracelet which was explained to me that you loved me.  But fortunately, it is different now because you have had a husband and please listen  to me, never leave your husband for anything”.

“Why I can’t? I love you and you know that. and do u know It is really hard to live with someone who you don’t love Halu. I want you only”.

“No don’t do ever do that Azure, let me be the only one who is hurt. Today as our last togetherness in front of the sunset I will tell you something that I wish to say you from the first. It is I love you, I swear over my life I love you so much in my past, present, and in my future. After this all, let’s try to forget our love and make it disappear just like the sunset. The destiny seems won’t let us together”.

                Azure was just quite only her crying voice was heard, tears trailed down on her cheeks. And that was enough to say how broke she was.

That was the really last time they met. Both of them lived with their own life. Azure lived with regret every day besides trying to love her husband although it was totally hard to forget her true love. After their last meeting she never heard about Halu anymore. Inside her heart she missed Halu too much. She wish she could be together with Halu in another life. It was too bad to life without your love one. Azure was felt so sick about her life till it made her life really broken and at her last day she told something to her little cousin “if you had have lose someone very important to you then you ordinary know how it feels and if you haven’t you can’t possibly imagine it”.

Cerpen Bahasa Inggris Hidden Love - A Short Story- full of love, sad, and romance Cerpen Bahasa Inggris Hidden Love - A Short Story- full of love, sad, and romance Reviewed by Arbor Azure on September 19, 2016 Rating: 5


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